Sweetlix Enproal 20% Poured Tub 200lb
Convenient, palatable source of protein, energy, minerals and vitamins for cattle consuming low quality forages. Unique EnProAl® technology results in uniform hardness and consistency throughout. Uniform consistency results in a known, predictable consumption rate. Predictable consumption = predictable feed costs. All natural protein is ideal for all classes of cattle. High magnesium content helps protect against grass tetany. No expensive bunks or feeders required.
Purina Accu-Ration 25% Tub 200lb
A premium, weather-resistant, protein tub with fat, vitamins and minerals added that is designed to balance nutrient deficiencies in fair quality forages such as native or improved grass hay or poor quality forages such as dormant grasses or crop residues. An Intake Modifying Technology product.
MLS #1 Hi-Perfomance 18% 200lb
An all natural protein tub with a concentrated level of vitamins and trace minerals. Designed for mature and growing cattle that need both protein and mineral supplementation while grazing pastures or being fed roughage or light grain rations. Contains high levels of copper. Do not feed to sheep.